Wednesday 28 September 2011

Best Friends - Remus and the Doll

As I mentioned in the previous post I also did a painting for my mum but as she loves cats, especially my cat, Remus I decided to do hers with my cartoon version of him, spots and all. I actually painting this one first. The aren't a low of differences but I was going for a set thing like some artists do. The characters are slightly bigger in this one and I gave my doll the black stitching. I was also not very good at shading when I did this one do you can see that its not as neat as the other but I like how you can see how I improved. Although the brown splodgy colours in the background were because Remus actually decided to help and jumped in my paint and then onto the canvas so it was my attempts at fixing the damage. If it had been paw prints instead of slodges it would of been brilliant though!