Wednesday 27 July 2011

Remus the cat - design sketches

Here are some drawings I did when designing the cartoon version of my Bengal cat, Remus for my final year uni project.

Here I tried working on the face but soon realised that the eyes were too close together and with the spots it was too busy.

So I made the eyes further apart and removed the spots but kept some stripes for some markings. I was still working on side views at this point and for some reason was having hard time with it.

Here he didn't look cartoony or cute enough so he turned into the character at the top. Yeah for some odd reason I started at the bottom of the page and worked up. No idea why. I had also worked out side views from looking at Remus and films with cartoon cats in. Looks lots better and its easier to draw!

Then finally some more design sketches with the finishing look of him. I make notes a lot on my work to remind me what isn't looking right or what I want to change so when I come back later I can read it and then look again and see if I still agree or not and then can do said changes.